Intro to BaseLaw Blog

Welcome to the BaseLaw Blog! This is a place where I look at some current and some older cases to discuss the legality of these cases along with other issues. This could help anyone to understand how cases work and if anyone wants to suggest a case they can contact me on either one of my linked social media accounts.

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Case: Tinker v. Des Moines

A very old and famous case. Tinker v. Des Moines is a case where a group of students filed against the school district for violating their First Ammendment Rights in 1969.

This group of students had decided to show their support for the truce made in Vietnam but were suspended for this by the school board. The students then took the case to the federal court where after 3 months of trial the students won by a majority 7 - 2 vote.

This is a very famous case because of its implications not only in the United States but all around the World with its focus on freedom of speech and expression.

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