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Case: Brown v. Board of Education

A case argued originally in 1952 and then reargued in 1953. Brown v. Board of Education was and still is a landmark case which talks about racial segregation.

In the 50's the U.S had just entered the Cold War against Russia and racial segregation and mistreatment was at a massive high. The case argued that racial segregation implemented by schools was unjust and unfair.

The case argued stated that the segregation of students in schools violated the Equal Protection Clause stated in the Fourteenth Amendment this was said because seperate facilities were inherently unequal.

The decision overturned precedent set in 3 cases which took place in 1896, 1899 and 1908 respectively. These cases are Plessy v. Ferguson, Cumming v. Richmond County Board of Education and Berea College v. Kentucky

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Case: Tinker v. Des Moines

A very old and famous case. Tinker v. Des Moines is a case where a group of students filed against the school district for violating their First Ammendment Rights in 1969.

This group of students had decided to show their support for the truce made in Vietnam but were suspended for this by the school board. The students then took the case to the federal court where after 3 months of trial the students won by a majority 7 - 2 vote.

This is a very famous case because of its implications not only in the United States but all around the World with its focus on freedom of speech and expression.